My name is Susie, owner and designer of VolksBaggin. I hand-craft VW vintage-style upholstery interiors into an exciting new life - Tote Bags, Key Fobs, Wallets and More!
I bought my very first car right out of high school. It was a 1969 Volkswagen! I love the beauty and simplicity of the car! I drove a few more bugs before moving onto a bigger car.
In 1998 I moved from NH to CA, landing a job at West Coast Classic Restoration, a One-Stop Shop offering restorations in all things VW. I was never really a car gal but after a few months I fell in love again with VWs. I started off helping in the office. I listened and learned all about VW upholstery interiors: the colors, the textures, and the years the fabric was used.
The Idea - How VolksBaggin Started . . . I’ve been asked this question many times, and I love telling the story! It all started with a little bag . . .
I carried my little bag with me wherever I went. Again, and again I heard “what a cute little bag.” “What is so cute about this bag” I thought?
I helped out at many local VW events. After a much needed break I walked from vendor to vendor ready to buy something, anything, but everything was for guys,
WHAT! And that day my “cute, little bag” became VOLKSBAGGIN, transforming our vintage-style VW upholstery interiors into an exciting new life!
At my first showing in 2005 I brought 50 bags to sell. And I sold all 50 that day!
Today my VolksBaggin line of accessories has grown to include Key Fobs, Coin Purses, Checkbook Covers (yes they still use them), Wallets and “The Famous” tote bag, nicknamed the “Seat Bag.”
Getting a mention in local newspapers, various VW Magazines (most recently, Hemming Sports and Exotic Cars) or a contract with VW DriveGear-Official Volkswagen Merchandise - rewards like that keep me going.